What the Bible says about Jesus
The Good Seed and the Weeds “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away.” Matthew 13:24,25.
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Friday, April 7, 2023
Monday, April 3, 2023
The "spiritual side " of Carl Sagan by Dave Hunt.
Saturday, April 1, 2023
A Cortina Inevitável - Jean-Louis Mondon
A Cortina Inevitável
Composto e publicado Março 2023 por
Jean-Louis Mondon
Original em Francês composto Agosto 2010
O sonhos da juventude brotam
E transformam-se em casulos de laços sedosos
Tecidos pacientemente ao longo de laços sem fim
Asas de borboletas sobrecarregadas
De lágrimas do céu almejam
Encontrar seu sossego eterno
Entre flores murchas
Colhidas no caminho
Memórias escondidas
Em nossas caixas de música
Soltam seu controle fugaz
Para despertar mais uma vez
As queridas vozes do passado
E os passos da dança
Abrandam e desapareçam
Discretamente atrás da cortina
Quando a caixa fica fechada
As notas da melodia soam de novo
Na prateleira de nossos pensamentos.
Friday, March 31, 2023
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Language Adaptation as the Best Defense for the Immigrant
One of the primary survival skill to ensure success in your immigration long lasting process after becoming a resident.
Written and published by Jean-Louis Mondon
Chameleon (Hebrew Koach "ko'-akh"): adapts to any climate, any situation or circumstance and creates the resources necessary - an atmosphere conducive - to it's own success.
After having spent an incubation period of six years in a chameleon egg, my eye sight afflicted by its innate stereoscopy woke up to its environment. I had gone through a metamorphosis that went beyond my sense of Cartesian analysis. The mirror only reflected kaleidoscopic dimmed lights whose alternance never ceased to engulf me in a deep and disquieting instability.
The more I looked at myself in my new habitat, the more my perception of public approval of my appearance of a weird animal in the cultural show window did not stop me from being aware of a certain internal protection against an imperceptible, but yet strongly felt erosion. This provoked in my being, a profound malaise similar to what happens to a sailor on a drifting boat, I had let go of my moorings, my roots had no more soil in to hold on to.
On the other hand, with the passing years, I have learned to accept this new nature of the chameleon. After all, it doesn´t wonder if its instinctive protection system follows the latest trends if the political, intellectual, social or artistic winds are in vogue, if he must today clothe himself in blue, red or as the order of the day dictates in green or with a bizarre costume. Adaptation , including a new language learning acquisition, if only a change of accent is a must if the immigrant´s career or being an integral part of society depends on his willingness to integrate and assimilate to his new environment.
Can we accuse the chameleon of being a weather vane? Of course not, the weather vane is blown by and follow the direction of the wind whereas the chameleon confronts the changing winds and his alarm system allows him to detect incoming danger and to trigger his inoffensive yet effective security device.
Or could we chide or blame the long lasting statesman Marquis de Talleyrand of having survived several successive governments or rulers without losing his head. Perhaps was it his reptilian composure (in French: cold blood) that allow him to keep it attached to his shoulders?
This is simply one of the adaptation mechanisms I had to develop along my life experience, without resorting to human psychology therapy, without artificial prescription or other drugs creating a false peace and illusory and ephemeral contentment.
Note from the author: Born in Algeria from 3 generations French parents, life carried me through 3 immigration processes that demanded acquiring survival skills. Learning a new language is a passport or a visa to a new way of life and demands efforts, courage, resilience and perseverance in the face of numerous challenges.
I have already survived 3 immigration successful processes and I am about to embark on another exciting journey on my 4th. Adventure. Going back home to Europe. Wish me well.
A Short Single Sentence that Saved my Life
Finish What you Started - Part 3
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