What the Bible says about Jesus

The True Light "In him, (the Lord Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world,…the world didn’t recognize him." John 1:4,9.
The Good Seed and the Weeds The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. Matthew 13:24,25.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Seven Major Prophetic Signs Of The Second Coming

Reblogged from http://www.raptureready.com/featured/kelley/jack350.html
 By Jack Kelley

 14th Annual Update January 2015 

 There are seven major prophetic signs of the Second Coming, and currently all of them are in some stage of fulfillment.  As in years past, I'll list the seven with their primary Biblical references and offer comments  from current events.  These comments are based are based on reports from a variety of international news services that have appeared in our daily "Prophecy In The Headlines" feature during the past year.

1. Israel Will Be In The Land ... Ezekiel 36:8-12, 37:21

Speaking to the Land God said,
"You, O mountains of Israel, will produce branches and fruit for my people Israel, for they will soon come home.  I am concerned for you and will look on you with favor; you will be plowed and sown,  and I will multiply the number of people upon you, even the whole house of Israel. The towns will be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt.  I will increase the number of men and animals upon you, and they will be fruitful and become numerous. I will settle people on you as in the past and will make you prosper more than before. Then you will know that I am the LORD. I will cause people, my people Israel, to walk upon you. They will possess you, and you will be their inheritance; you will never again deprive them of their children.
And to the people He said,
This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land.
Although Ezekiel wrote these words while the Israelites were in Babylon, they were not fulfilled in the nation's return from exile there.  Like Isaiah before him (Isaiah 11:11) Ezekiel was speaking of the second and final return, not the one after the Babylon captivity.  We know this because in Ezekiel  36:12 the Lord said His people would possess the mountains of Israel, and they would never again deprive His people of their children.  That means from the time this prophecy was fulfilled there would always be Jewish children born in Israel.  And yet in the first century, the nation ceased to exist altogether.  Therefore in 1948, when Israel took its place among the nations of the world again for the first time in nearly 2000 years, students of prophecy recognized the fulfillment of the primary sign that the end of the age was upon us.

In 2014 the demand for Israel to at least retreat behind pre 1967 borders has reached a fever pitch again, and some have even gone further. Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, The Islamic State (ISIS - which seemed to come out of nowhere this year and is already an international menace) and other related groups are openly calling for Israel to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Rocket fire against southern Israel reached an all time high this summer with over 700 rockets from Gaza landing on Israeli soil during a single week.  Israel mounted a 50 day military action to stop the rockets and destroy  secret underground tunnels Hamas had built under Israel's southern border.  These tunnels  would have allowed bands of terrorists to suddenly emerge within Israel and attack the unsuspecting population.  Although many of the tunnels were destroyed, the dust had barely settled before Hamas began building more, and demanding that Israel pay for the damage they caused while destroying them.Also, this year saw a further deterioration of relations between Israel and the US, and for the first time the possibility of US sanctions being imposed against Israel was raised.  Russia is also reportedly studying what beneficial effects an attack on Israel might have as a response to the west's attempts to isolate Russia for destabilizing the Ukraine. 

Anti-semitism is returning to a level not seen since WW2, several European countries have voted to recognize "The State Of Palestine", the Israeli government is taking enormous flack for declaring Israel to be a Jewish nation even though it's charter already says it is,  and its Muslim neighbors are enraged over rumors that Israel wants to make it possible for Jews to worship on the Temple Mount.  

How much more of this can Israel be expected to take?  What other legitimate country in the world is routinely subjected to such attacks?  Little do Israel's enemies know that they are acting against the stated will of God, and the more pressure they apply against Israel, the sooner God Himself will intervene of behalf of His people.  Speaking for Him, Ezekiel said, "I will display My glory among the nations and all the nations will see the punishment I inflict and the hand I will lay upon them" (Ezekiel 39:21).

2. Jerusalem Will Be In Jewish Hands... Luke 21:24

They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
Jesus prophesied that the reunification of Jerusalem as a Jewish City would be a sign that foreign (gentile) influence over the Promised Land, and indeed the world, was coming to an end (Luke 21:24). Fulfillment of this prophecy began in 1967, when Jerusalem became an undivided Jewish city again, and scholars saw it as another major sign that the End of the Age had begun.  The almost world wide effort to divide the city again is in essence a battle of wills.  Nearly every Israeli leader has stood firmly on a pledge to keep Jerusalem united forever as Israel's capital, but the unbelieving leaders of the world are just as resolutely determined to see it divided with the Palestinians.  At year end, a UN Security Council measure that would have required Israel to make East Jerusalem the capital of a Palestinian state came within one vote of passing. The Palestinian resolution might be resubmitted early in 2015 due to a change in the Security Council's make up effective January 1.

The Lord said that at the End of the Age He will make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling, an immovable rock for all nations.  All who try to move it will injure themselves (Zechariah 12:2-3). This year much of the talk against Israel has been focused on Jerusalem with Hamas and ISIS loudly declaring the time has come to "liberate Jerusalem."  American leaders have joined in, publicly calling East Jerusalem "occupied territory" and demanding that no more Jewish homes be built there.  They have even spoken against construction in undisputed neighborhoods of Jerusalem, saying it's harmful to the "peace process."
 Numerous "lone wolf" attacks have also occurred against civilians in Jerusalem this year with some Palestinians calling for a "Jerusalem Intifada."  Unarmed civilians and even little children have been targeted. 

The Bible tells us Jerusalem won't really be free of Gentile "trampling" until the Lord returns.  Daniel's prophecy that Gentile Dominion will not end until the Lord establishes His kingdom (Daniel 2:36-45), Zechariah's prophecy of half the city's inhabitants going into exile just before the Lord's return (Zech. 14:2), and John's observation in Rev. 11:1-2 of the Gentiles trampling the outer court of the Temple during the Great Tribulation all confirm this. But even so, the fact that Jerusalem is back in Jewish hands is another big sign that the End is coming soon.

3. A Muslim Coalition Armed And Led By Russia Will Attack The Holy Land... Ezek. 38:2-6

"Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal; prophesy against him. This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army--your horses, your horsemen fully armed, and a great horde with large and small shields, all of them brandishing their swords. Persia, Cush and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets, also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with all its troops--the many nations with you."
Numerous historical references make it plain that Magog stands for modern Russia, and the other countries named here form a coalition based on their common religion, Islam.  Among them are Iran, several North African countries, Eastern European countries along the Danube, and the Turkic nations of Asia Minor.  A quick look at a world map will reveal that these areas are home to some of the most radical Islamic groups.  (For a detailed explanation of the modern nations to which these Biblical names refer, read "An In Depth Look At The Modern Equivalent To Biblical Names in Ezek.38".

As I mentioned above, Russia is exploring the possibility of attacking Israel (using Syrian and Hezbollah forces) in retaliation for  the US led imposition of sanctions arising from Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula.  Additionally, Hamas has come back under Iran's sponsorship and will soon be headquartered in Tehran.  This now gives Iran proxy armies on both the northern (Hezbollah) and southern (Hamas) borders with Israel. Iran has also begun funneling arms into the West Bank with a goal of completely surrounding Israel with a strong, motivated, and well equipped army.

Recent reports also reveal that the US and Iraq are putting together an army of Iraqi Shiite soldiers for the purpose of countering the Sunni ISIS forces, and that this army will be under the direct control of Iran.  Iranian sources claim this new army will be even bigger than Hezbollah, which is also Shiite.  Iraq will provide the manpower, the US will contribute training, funding and weaponry, and Iran will assume the leadership responsibility.  Supplies are already being stockpiled for a major operation against ISIS in 2015.

It doesn't take much of an imagination to predict that this new army could easily be turned against Israel at the proper time.  If so, then the US will have been complicit in helping the Muslim coalition fulfill Ezekiel's prophecy. 

It's important to remember that  Ezekiel 38 calls for a sneak attack on Israel.   Currently that  prerequisite is the major obstacle to an early fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophecy.  It has to occur at a time when Israel is "a peaceful and unsuspecting people, living without walls or gates" (Ezekiel 38:11) and this certainly is not the case today.

But Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17 are yet-to-be-fulfilled prophecies that, taken together, appear to involve all of Israel's next door neighbors in another attempt to wipe the Jewish nation off the map.  A victory by Israel would explain why these next door neighbors do not appear on Ezekiel's list of antagonists, although you'd expect them to be at or near the top.  It would also explain how Israel could soon be living in a perceived state of safety as Ezekiel 38:11 requires.  Currently there doesn't seem to be any other way for  the Israelis to think they're living at peace with no threat on their borders.  The resulting semblance of peace could be just enough to cause Israel to let down its guard, making it vulnerable to attack. 

Another prerequisite for Ezekiel's battle is clearly being met.  Until recently, Israel really hasn't had any wealth to speak of, but offshore oil and gas discoveries, said to be worth billions of dollars, could provide the wealth necessary to make Israel an attractive target for attack.  This could fulfill the precondition of  Ezekiel 38:13 that Russia will be looking for plunder.  These discoveries could make enough natural gas available to supply Israel's needs for more than 100 years while turning the country from a net importer to a net exporter of natural gas.  Russia is already looking for ways to get involved in bringing this gas to market, and according to Ezekiel they'll eventually go to war in what will turn out to be a failed attempt to do so by force.  Ever on guard, Israel has just ordered several more warships from Germany to help protect its offshore oil and gas platforms.

The removal of the US as Israel's powerful ally is also necessary to pave the way for Ezekiel's battle.  I believe this is well underway.  Because of recent experience, many in the Middle East, including Israel, no longer expect the US administration to follow through on its promise to "have Israel's back" if it should come to that.  Add to that the rising threat of a terrorist event in our homeland, our continuing economic struggles, and the nearness of the Rapture nf the Ciurch, and it's becoming a whole lot easier to see how the US could abandon its commitment to Israel. 

When the time is right, having recently taken His church to Heaven, the Lord will use this battle to orchestrate His reconciliation with Israel, and on its heels the anti Christ will emerge with a peace plan that includes a Jewish Temple. So once this battle takes place, end times prophecy will really go on fast forward.

4. The Ancient Roman Empire Will Re-Emerge As A Political Force... Rev 17:9-10

"This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while."
This one is a little obscure if you don't know your history. When John was writing this, about 95AD, there had been five great world powers; Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Greece. All had been conquered and absorbed. The current power was Rome, which was never really conquered and will re-emerge at the end of the age.

 About 600 years earlier, the Prophet Daniel had spoken of a period of time theologians call Gentile Dominion that gives us added insight into Rev. 17:9-10. In Daniel 2:36-45 Gentile Dominion is symbolized by a giant statue that Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, had dreamed about.  Egypt and Assyria had recently been defeated by Nebuchadnezzar, and Daniel said the statue represented the four remaining Gentile kingdoms, which we know as Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome.  In the dream, Babylon was the head of the statue and was made of gold.  Persia was the chest and arms, made of silver.  Greece was the belly and thighs of bronze, followed by the two appearances of Rome, two legs of iron (Biblical Rome) and two feet of iron mixed with clay (the revived Roman Empire). After that God would set up His own, eternal, kingdom.

There are some interesting details in the description of the two feet upon which the statue stands.  Remember, they represent the end times version of the Roman Empire.  Let's read it. 

Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay (Daniel 2:41-43).

In the first place iron and clay don't mix. We can imagine sticky clay serving as glue that holds pieces of iron together, but the language describes a clay that's already baked, hard and brittle like shards of pottery. 

You can't make random pieces of iron and pottery adhere, and according to Daniel 2:41-43 this will be the end times empire's insurmountable problem.  Today the western leg is known as Europe while the Eastern leg consists of the Islamic nations of the Middle East.  Although the world is currently focused on the economic challenges Europe faces, ultimately the number one issue of this end times empire will be that of integrating the vastly dissimilar  cultures of the western and eastern legs. They are just too different to be blended and already the failure of the European social experiment called multi-culturalism has become evident.  Throughout the end times the revived Roman Empire will be partly strong (eastern leg) and partly brittle (western leg) and will not adhere.

I'm convinced the aggressive and growing culture of the eastern leg (Islam) will overtake the dying culture of the west and become the dominant voice of Europe.  Recent claims by ISIS predict major inroads into Spain and eastern Europe in the coming year, and current growth trends show that Islam will be the dominant religion in the UK within 10 years.  Only France and Germany seem to be pushing back against the growth of Islam in their countries.  Nevertheless, the prophecy clearly shows both divisions present until the Lord returns to set up His Kingdom, putting an end to Gentile Dominion forever, whether Islamic or not.  (Daniel 2:44).

 5. The World Will Embrace A Single Religion... Rev 13:8

All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast--all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.
Islam is a major religious force in the world today and its goal is nothing less than world domination, by any means necessary. It's the world's fastest growing religion and is second only to Christianity in number of adherents. Already nearly one out of every four inhabitants of the world is Muslim.  I'm no prophet, but as I look into the future, it's much easier for me to see Islam riding its current wave of momentum to fill the void left by the departure of the Church than it is to imagine some watered  down mix of apostate Christianity and New Age Mysticism doing so.

 By now most serious students of the end times are aware of Muslim prophecies of the one they call alMahdi and their striking resemblance to Christian prophecies of the anti-Christ. For example, both show a leader coming on the scene during a time of great turmoil on Earth.  Both depict him as man of peace who will have a seven year reign, head up a one world religion and one world government, and claim supernatural origins.  Both prophecies culminate in a battle between good and evil that brings about Earth's final judgment.  It's as if they're pointing to the same person. The difference is that in Islam he's a good guy, while the Bible calls him evil. 

Take this charismatic political and religious leader with his supernatural power, add the widely held but incorrect belief that God and Allah are the same, and that Islam is a religion of peace, and then subtract the spirit of discernment that will disappear with the Church and you can see how this charismatic Islamic leader could unite a frightened world on the brink of disaster. 

Currently there's am ongoing battle between the two major sects of Islam, the Shiites and the Sunnis. A substantial majority of Muslims are Sunnis (1.2 Billion) while only 200 million are Shiite. They agree on many aspects of their faith but are sharply divided when it comes to which sect will control the Islamic world. 

You can see this in real time with ISIS (Sunni) attacking Shiites in Iraq and Syria, and with Iran (Shiite) in league with the West against them.  Also, some observers believe a major factor in the current oil price war is due to Saudi Arabia's (Sunni) attempt to bring arch rival Iran (Shiite) to ruin. The fact that Russia, a friend of Iran's and a major competitor of Saudi Arabia, is also on the economic ropes because of this price war is frosting on the cake for the Saudis.  Saudi Arabia has massive oil reserves and can afford to undersell the market for years if necessary to destroy its enemies/competitor.  

(It will be interesting to see how the US fares in all this. Right now we're enjoying the lowest gasoline prices in years.  But Saudi Arabia's goal is to undercut America too, since our burgeoning shale oil production has made the US a major threat to Saudi dominance that has to be eliminated.  US industry sources are predicting as many as 550 drilling rigs will be idled within the first quarter of 2015 since current market prices for oil are below US production costs.  That's about 25% of America's rigs. The entire world economy could be further destabilized by this price war. The blessing of low prices at the gas pumps could soon become a curse.)

 6. The World Will Accept A Single Government... Rev 13:3

The whole world was astonished and followed the beast.
When you look at the deteriorating shape of the world today, it doesn't take much to imagine conditions getting to a point where people will cry out for a leader who can bring order out of chaos.   Whether the issue is climate change, the decline of the US dollar,  the slow motion economic collapse of Europe, war in the Middle East, or the price of oil, the one solution most leaders agree on is the need for some form of coordinated world government. With the things that already threaten our stability getting worse by the day, how much more frantic will people be after millions of their neighbors suddenly disappear in the rapture without warning or explanation, and there's been a war (Ezekiel 38) that brings destruction from Europe through the Middle East and into Russia?  When people become convinced that their problems cannot be solved by human means alone they look to the supernatural for answers. 

In this regard, Paul wrote:The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing (2 Thes 2 :9-10). A leader who promises to restore peace and safety and demonstrates miraculous power that astonishes everyone will quickly be given the reins of world government.  By many accounts, this lawless one is standing in the wings as you read this, awaiting his cue.

7. Babylon Will Re-Emerge As A Prominent City In World Affairs... Rev 18:2-3

With a mighty voice he shouted: "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird. For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries."
You may not realize this, but Babylon is being made ready to accept its destiny as a focus of world power in the end times.  It's just a ceremonial city right now, but 25 years ago nobody even knew it existed at all. One of the shocks of Gulf War 1 was the discovery of Babylon standing there on the banks of the Euphrates River.  Today there's a concerted effort underway to complete what Saddam Hussein began and  return Babylon to world prominence.

But more has already been accomplished than most people think. For example, if you take a close look at the dimensions and capabilities of the new US embassy in Baghdad you will see how easily it could be prepared to house a world governmental headquarters. At 104 acres, it is the largest and most expensive embassy in the world, and is nearly as large as Vatican City.  Babylon is only about an hour away by car. 

In addition, one of Saddam Hussein’s palaces overlooks ancient Babylon and has been completely restored as a hotel and tourist destination. It could*easily iouse the anti-Christ and his entourage.  Finally, there are several large military installations nearby as well.  In short, preparing Babylon to become the capitol of the world won’t take anywhere near as long as most people think.

Because of Babylon's current lack of importance in the world, some students of prophecy search for an allegorical fulfillment of its destruction described in Rev. 18, and of course many see the USA or some American city as a logical candidate.  But remember, even though in Revelation 17:9 John describes "mystery Babylon" as seated on seven hills, a prophecy in Zechariah 5:5-11 shows it being moved "to the plains of Shinar" a reference to ancient Mesopotamia called Iraq today. We can't switch from literal to allegorical interpretations of Scripture without clear direction, and where Babylon is concerned no such direction exists. In fact the opposite is true.  Almost from the beginning, the Bible has been a tale of two cities.  Jerusalem is the city of God while Babylon has always been the city of man.  Both disappeared from the world stage for many centuries, but when Jerusalem came back it was to its original location.  The Bible says the same will be true of Babylon.

Birth Pains ... Matt. 24:6-8

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.
 Experts said the big things to watch for in 2014 would be the actions of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there's no sign of a let up in 2015.  All around the globe nations are either preparing for war or at war. In the Middle East, we could easily see the fulfillment of Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17. 

In the Far East, China is building up its military capabilities.  According to a recent US Department of Defense report, "the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is engaged in a massive, extensive modernization program, drawing upon the resources of a constantly expanding economy (now the world’s second largest) to support these improvements.  In addition to the ground forces,  the PLA Navy, the PLA Air Force, the Second Artillery (China’s rocket forces), as well as space and cyber-espionage capabilities are all being expanded and upgraded."  In 2014 China launched its first aircraft carrier, nuclear armed submarines, and a stealth fighter aircraft.  In addition to the obvious threat this poses to China's neighbors, it has also been reported that China eventually expects to go to war against the US. 

Africa has become a major battleground as forces loyal to Islam continue in their efforts to gain control of the continent.  Somalia and Sudan, the Congo, and Libya are but a few of the hot spots that have created millions of  refugees and internally displaced people. Thousands of people have been slaughtered from a number of conflicts and civil wars on the African continent. 

There will  be big problems in the EU if they can't stabilize their economy in 2015.  World financial leaders have warned that Europe's failure to resolve their difficulties will plunge the world back into an even worse recession than the one we've supposedly just come out of.  Predictions are being made of widespread civil unrest  as the consequence of Europe's failure to solve its economic problems.

Food prices remain uncertain and experts warn us not to relax.  The price of food will continue to be volatile and among the poor will still consume more than 45% of household income.  Already 1 out of every 6 people in the world goes to bed hungry every night. Experts have said it would only take one or two years of poor crop production to bring a serious famine to the world.  Here in America, participation in the food stamp program has dropped to 46 million from its high of 48 million in 2012. (Much of the decline was due to several states adding work requirements to the qualification process, causing people to drop out.) Even so, two thirds of all children in the US now receive some kind of welfare assistance. 

But many places in the world don't have a government willing or able to go into debt to feed them.   According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, one person out of eight in the world's population suffers from chronic undernourishment.  Half of the world's 10.9 million child deaths each year is at least partly due to undernourishment.  That works out to 6,000 children every day. 

Most experts have finally agreed that earthquakes have steadily become more frequent in recent years.  They are are now an everyday occurrence, averaging in excess of 3 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0 or higher somewhere in the world every day.  Some services are now routinely tracking volcanic eruptions as well, noting that their frequency is also increasing. 

The Lord said these birth pangs would be the early warning signs of the approaching End of the Age,  so I have included the above examples to confirm my belief that we're very close to our last days on Earth.  While predictions of what 2015 may bring are all over the spectrum, Christians needn't worry because we walk by faith not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7).  Our citizenship is in Heaven and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil. 3:20).  Therefore, having seen these things beginning to take place we stand up and lift up our heads because our redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:28).  These promises have never been more important to us than they will be in 2015.     01-03-15. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Muslim Brotherhood - Eric Stakelbeck - English with Portuguese subtitles.

How to hear God´s voice and know His will

By Shane Idleman , CP Guest Contributor
January 2, 2015|12:28 pm    
  • Shane Idleman
              (Photo: Shane Idleman)
Let me begin by applauding your desire to know God's will. This is often a sign of spiritual health. God guides those who are willing to follow.
When it comes to knowing God's will, more often than not, unless it's written in His word, there are no specific answers. For instance, the Bible doesn't say who to marry or where to work, but it does offer important principles that lead you in the right direction. However, there are other areas that are clearly God's will for our lives: to be saved and to worship Him, to be holy and set apart for His glory, to be filled continually with the Holy Spirit, to witness to others, to make disciples, and so on. (Refer to I Timothy 2:4; I Thessalonians 4:3-7; Ephesians 5:17-18; and Matthew 28:19.)

Although this article will not outline God's specific will for your life, it will provide guidance for the journey. The best way to know God's will is to be filled with His Spirit, pray for direction, and obey His word. For example, I'm alarmed at the number of couples who are convinced that God is leading them toward marriage, yet they engage in premarital sex and are considering living together before marriage. I'm equally amazed at the number of people who don't have a servant's heart, who don't apply the word, who don't spend time in prayer, who don't display humility, and yet think the Spirit is leading them.

Let me be clear: God directs us to make "wise" decisions that correspond with His word. Disobedience leads to disappointment. Ask, "Is God truly guiding me?" Before making an important decision. Furthermore, if you're not in the word, the word won't be in you.
One of the best ways to know if God is truly guiding you is to pray, stay, and obey—stay in His Word; obey His principles, and ask for direction. "God is more likely to direct me through wise teaching than through inner voices" (J.I. Packer). Packer isn't discounting the work of the Holy Spirit, but he is cautioning against "inner voice" impulses fueled by man's sinful nature and desires.

Unfortunately, Satan, the world, and our flesh all work against us: God's leading calms your heart, but the flesh wants to rush. God leads, but Satan pushes. God calms, but the flesh obsesses. God encourages, the world discourages. God reassures, the world frightens. God enlightens, Satan confuses. God convicts, Satan condemns.

The need to stay, pray, and obey is absolutely vital when it comes to knowing God and His will. The word opens spiritually blind eyes; it leads us in the right direction; it conquers deception; it crucifies sin instead of justifying it; it exposes instead of excuses; it prevents danger instead of leading us in to it.

Often, we follow the wrong voice...the wrong "god" because we live in deception - hearing but not doing (cf. James 1:22). Worshiping God and applying the word saturate our spiritual lives much like allowing a slow dripping water source to renew a dying bush. A plant that was once dead, barren, and unfruitful can once again be alive, active, and fruitful. And so can you: "The world has yet to see what God can do with a man [or woman] who is fully committed to Him" (encouraging words said to D.L. Moody).

Satan's ultimate plan is to distance us from God - "to kill, steal, and destroy" (John 10:10). A study bible offers these five points: 1. Doubt: Makes you question God and His goodness. 2. Discouragement: Makes you look at your problems rather than God. 3. Diversion: Makes the wrong things seem attractive so that we want them more than the right things. 4. Defeat: Makes you feel like a failure so that you don't even try. 5. Delay: Makes you put off doing something God wants you to do so that it never gets done.

Sin is deceptive: it blinds, leads us away from God, deceives us into a false sense of security, justifies poor choices, excuses wrong behavior, and prevents us from fulfilling the will of God. The application of God's word redirects and brings clarity and joy to our lives.
Imagine how much more encouraging it will be when you begin to saturate yourself with God's word on a daily basis and remove many of the distractions and discouragements of life. Begin today.

If you're searching for God, I encourage you to look to the One who has the answers and surrender your life to Him. No matter what you have done or have experience you can turn to Christ and start anew: "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9).
One famous quote captures it well: "A true measure of a person is not who they were, but who they will become." It's all about Who you know!

Related links from this blog´s author:
Personal Testimonies of God´s providential guidance:

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Welcome to Laodicea

Reblogged from: concerningthetimes.com
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What is it about Bible prophecy and end times dialogue that sets some Christian’s teeth on edge? The reason I’m asking the question is because I can’t remember a time when apathy regarding the Lord’s return has been so widespread. If we were talking about a pagan view of the last days…the previous statement wouldn’t seem so provocative. We are discussing apathy of so many in the Church…..that is why the matter is of deep concern. A few months ago, I defended the importance of Bible prophecy and it’s not my intent to review the subject. What I want to bring to our attention today is a ‘heart’ issue. I want to make a clear distinction between those who ‘love His appearing’ and those who to be blunt…..couldn’t care less.

Just like some people in the the 1st century church, we also have people inside the church now who are lukewarm, complacent, and slumbering. Welcome to Laodicea:  Many inside of our churches today aren’t watching and waiting…….they are scoffing.
Is it just me, or have you also noticed a growing disconnect between some professing believers and those of us who are longing for the Lord’s return as well? I know spiritual apathy has always been around, bu the level and fervor of the scoffers inside the church is reaching a fevered pitch. This lukewarm condition inside the church captured my full attention after I read an article on the Christian Post that was about prophetic events and our time. While I found the article interesting, it wasn’t what captured my attention. It was all of the comments following it that stunned me. I understand just because a media outlet has the word ‘Christian’ in it’s name, it doesn’t necessarily make every article biblical. I’m simply highlighting the fact that a majority of the readers of these publications would most likely call themselves a Christian.

I rarely look at the comments at the end of articles in secular media because it is there where you will find the most vitriolic, hateful, crass, and demeaning words one person could ever write to another. It is just the sad reality of our day and a clear lens into the condition of the unregenerate human heart. Occasionally I do read some of the comments that follow a piece in so called ‘Christian media’ simply to get the pulse of where we are as the body of Christ.

As I started reading the comments referring to the end time article, I was stunned. I decided to research other very recent articles written about Bible prophecy in recent weeks and what I found was the same complacent, slumbering, faithless mindset that I found comments below the original article. It wasn’t necessarily the apathetic nature of the comments that stuck me….as much as the sheer numbers of self professing ‘Christians’ and their animosity toward other believers that was so sad.

I believe the growing disconnect among a growing number of some ‘Christians’ toward those of us who love His appearing is a direct result of being lukewarm. Remember who the Lord is addressing…..the church in Laodicea, these weren’t outsiders. These were people who named the name of Jesus, stood during the same worship time, and perhaps prayed alongside other believers.
“And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation.
Revelation 3:14   ‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’”
Can you hear the tenderness in Jesus’ words? Isn’t it just like our Lord to reprove us with stern words of warning just as any loving Father would? The point is that He is telling those in the 1st century Laodicean church the same thing He is telling people today:  I’m standing at the door now. I want you to know Me and I want all of you….not just on one day a week. You are smug in your prosperity and self reliance……not even aware that you have nothing apart from Me. My return is near…..are you ready? Can’t you see the Lord reaching out to those He loves with mercy and asking them to repent and turn to Him?

Our God is a jealous God and He won’t compete for attention. Lukewarmness is a symptom of a heart that may be content with ‘religious activity’ and all this life has to offer. True lasting contentment is found in Christ alone.  That is why Jesus is imploring the lukewarm of John’s day and now in our day to get off of the fence and throw open the door to Him. What is on the other side of the door? Nothing less than the fullness of God through the person of Jesus and His presence. He promises the repentant lukewarm ‘believer’,  I will be with you, I will know you, and you will be with me on My throne. How do we conquer and overcome? It’s not by religious activity, piety, or human effort. It can only be done by the work of the Holy Spirit of God living in and through us. His mercy and grace extends to us even now……he is ready to answer anyone who calls on His name by faith.

Now let’s look at how different the heart that’s been regenerated and sanctified by the grace of God differs from the heart of the lukewarm person who claims to be a believer. Some of these are statements I’ve read by ‘professing Christians’ and I’m paraphrasing:
“This is nightly news or newspaper eschatology!” “This Great Tribulation stuff is silly…..it all happened in the 1st century.” Every time something happens….the doom & gloomers come out of the woodwork.”  These things have been going on for years….here they go again trying to sell books and get rich.”  “It’s been 2,000 years & people are still falling for this tripe.” “People have been saying we are in the end times for 100s of years…..when haven’t we not been?” “Funny how many people believed the end times would be in THEIR lifetime…..it’s terribly egocentric.”
Far from being edifying……the previous statements are clearly indicative of a lukewarm heart focused on the here & now instead of the will of God. These are not the railings of a worldly person who thinks Christians are out of touch, but the railings from the heart’s abundance of of a lukewarm Christian.

By contrast, the heart that’s centered in God’s will and walking by His Spirit will be known by it’s fruit. it is the heart that prays:  Come quickly Lord Jesus. It is this kind of believer that is in this world, but not of it. It is this kind of believer that can look at the world news headlines and know…….surely His coming is at the door.

I want to close with this friends:   I expect pressure from the world and in reality, isn’t that the way it’s always been for the follower of Jesus? What I am coming to expect now…….is increasing pressure from inside. The time we live in is very unique. Not only are we feeling pressure from the world, but now more and more ‘Christians’ are also turned off because we expect the rapture of the church as a real distinct possibility at any moment. Scoffers in the world wagging their fingers at the notion we believe Christ’s coming is at the door is one thing, but the fact that many of those doing the finger wagging are ‘inside’ the church is very telling.
2 Peter 3:1  This is now the second letter that I am writing to you, beloved. In both of them I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, that you should remember the predictions of the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior through your apostles, knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.”
Since we live at a time when so many are scoffing at the fact that Jesus will return soon……it encourages me to be ready all the more. It makes me want to reach out to those who are stuck in the lukewarm mire right now. Some of you may be asking, “Isn’t that casting pearls…?” I would say no…….unless our loving admonishment is met by a continued ‘unrepentant’ life pattern by one claiming to be a Christian. Then it may be time to move on and lovingly warn others while continuing to pray for those people before. Jesus stands at the door and knocks. We have the truth of the Bible when we tell people with confidence:  In His own words….Jesus said He was coming soon three times in Revelation 22. Nothing cuts through the mire of the heart like the Bible does.

It is a loving thing to bring a brother or sister to repentance, but repeated scoffing and hard-heartedness toward the things of God is another matter all together.
I want us who love His appearing to get in the practice of encouraging one another as we see the day approaching. I value your prayers if the Lord is leading you to pray for this ministry. I’m mindful of other ministries, writers, and friends who are not welcome in Laodicea. Many in the world and inside the church don’t want to hear that Jesus is coming back for His people & judgement will follow. Keep on faithfully proclaiming the gospel and the soon return of the Lord.
All for Him,

What on Earth Is Satan Doing?

Reblogged from: www.bibleprophecyblog.com

Steven Hayes
Dr. Steven Hayes Continue in My Word
"...for we are not ignorant of [Satan's] devices." (2 Corinthians 2:11)


Each year as part of the Christmas season, believers traditionally read the gospel accounts from Matthew and Luke which record the events associated with the birth of Christ: the supernatural conception of Jesus by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the virgin Mary (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38), the decree of Caesar Augustus that providentially caused Joseph and the very pregnant Mary to travel to Bethlehem (Luke 2:1-5), the unlikely birth of Jesus in a stable (Luke 2:6-7), and the appearance of a host of angels to a group of shepherds leading them to visit the newborn babe and find him lying in a manger (Luke 2:8-20). 

Although most Christians are somewhat aware that the visit of the wise men (i.e., Magi) did not occur on the night of Christ's birth, nor did their visit take place at the stable, the Biblical record of it is usually included in these Christmas readings (Matthew 2:1-12). In most cases the Christmas readings are concluded at this point, for the record immediately turns very dark if continued: Joseph is warned by an angel to flee into Egypt with Mary and the young Jesus to escape King Herod's slaughter of all the babies up to two years old in Bethlehem (Matthew 1:13-18).

A wicked King Herod was the human instrument in the slaughter of the babies in Bethlehem, but Revelation 12:3 reveals that this event was diabolical in origin, being planned and perpetrated by the "dragon", who is Satan himself (cf. Revelation 12:9). Apparently Satan believed that if he could murder Jesus, he could thwart the plan of God and perhaps somehow escape his own prophesied destruction by the Messiah (Genesis 3:15). Although this was Satan's first direct attempt to destroy the Messiah, it was not his first attempt to prevent His coming—nor would it be his last attempt to prevent His coming again.

Satan's Strategy

Immediately following God's primeval prophecy of the destruction of the Serpent (i.e., Satan; cf. Revelation 12:6) by the seed of the woman (i.e., Messiah; Genesis 3:15), Satan began working to thwart the fulfillment of this prophecy. Initially, he worked to prevent the coming of Messiah; when Messiah came, he worked to destroy Him; and after Messiah's death, resurrection and ascension, he worked (and continues to work) to prevent His return. Initially, Satan's work was necessarily very broad in scope, since he had little information on which to act. 

However, as God progressively revealed more and more information regarding the nature of Messiah's origin and coming, Satan's attack became more narrowly focused. In the following sections, a few highlights from some of Satan's activities undertaken in his attempt to thwart the plan of God and his own prophesied destruction are briefly surveyed in: 1) the Old Testament, 2) the New Testament, 3) the Church Age following the close of the canon of Scripture, and 4) the future Tribulation. As will be seen, the broad-based activities of Satan very quickly devolve into a narrow, focused persecution of Israel. The annihilation of the nation of Israel and extermination of all Jews is Satan's only hope to avert his own destruction.

In the Old Testament

At first, Satan had to act on very little information. He only knew that his prophesied protagonist (hereafter referred to as the Messiah) would be a male descendent of Eve (Genesis 3:15). When Eve gave birth to Cain, she actually (albeit incorrectly) believed he was the Messiah (Genesis 4:1). Satan worked to sow discord between Cain and his brother Abel, resulting in Cain committing the first murder; apparently Satan believed the sin of murder would disqualify Cain as the Messiah—but Cain was not the Messiah.

A thousand years later, in the days of Noah, a new tactic of Satan surfaces. Satan had been working, apparently for centuries, to corrupt the human gene pool by the interbreeding of human women with his demonic horde (Genesis 6:1-2), which produced a race of "giants" (i.e., Nephilim; Genesis 6:4). As human-demon hybrids, the offspring of such giants would be unqualified to be a kinsman-redeemer for the human race (cf. Hebrews 2:14-16). So widespread was the scope of this Satanic attack, it required the destruction of the entire human race in the global flood of Noah in order to frustrate (Genesis 6:17); only Noah and his family were preserved through the flood in order to repopulate the earth, for Noah was "perfect in his generations" (i.e., his family's genetic code was free of Nephilim corruption; Genesis 6:9).

Satan employed this same tactic again (note Genesis 6:4, "and also after that"), but on a much more limited scope. When the children of Israel first arrived at the Promised Land (i.e., Canaan), they found dwelling there the "sons of Anak", a new race of “giants” (Numbers 13:33). Now knowing that God had chosen Abraham to be the progenitor of the Messiah (Genesis 12:3), and that four generations after Abraham God would give Abraham's seed the land of Canaan as their inheritance (Genesis 15:16,18-21), Satan again began his work of corrupting the human gene pool from which Messiah must come. The elimination of all vestiges of Anakim genetic corruption from the Promised Land was at least one reason God commanded Joshua and the Israelites to "utterly destroy" all the indigenous people they found dwelling in Canaan (Deuteronomy 7:1-3).

The preparation of the Anakim in the Promised Land was a long-term (contingency) project of Satan while Jacob's family was sojourning in Egypt for four generations, but he also engineered more direct attacks on the Hebrews using Pharaoh as his diabolical instrument. These included Pharaoh's early command to the Hebrew midwives to kill all sons born to the Hebrew women (Exodus 1:15-16) as well as his ultimate attempt to destroy the fleeing Hebrews with the armies of Egypt (Exodus 14:5-9). In order to preserve the seed of Abraham, God destroyed Pharaoh and the armies of Egypt, to the very last man, in the Red Sea (Exodus 14:28).

As time went on, and as the nation of Israel became established in their own land, God revealed that the Messiah would come from the line of King David (1 Chronicles 17:11-14). At this point, Satan could further focus his attacks on David and his family. Although Scripture records a myriad of such attacks, some subtle and some not so subtle, the most direct was Queen Athaliah's attempt to completely exterminate the royal seed (2 Chronicles 22:10). In that instance, the only member of the royal seed to escape death was the infant Joash, being hidden for six years and installed as king at the age of seven after the death of Athaliah (2 Chronicles 22:11; 24:1).

Attention is called to a final instance from late in the Old Testament period. With the nation of Israel still in exile, dispersed throughout the Medo-Persian empire, Satan raises up an influential Amalekite named Haman in the court of the Persian King Ahasuerus (i.e., Xerxes; Esther 3:1). Because of his hatred for Mordecai the Jew, "Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus" (Esther 3:6). God foiled this diabolical attempt at Jewish genocide by providentially installing Esther as Xerxes' queen, whose Jewish identity had been kept secret until after Haman's plan was revealed (Esther 2:10; 7:3-6).

In the New Testament

Satan's many attempts recorded throughout the Old Testament to prevent the coming of Messiah all failed. The New Testament opens with the record of the prophesied birth of Messiah to the virgin Mary in Bethlehem (Matthew 1:16-25; Luke 2:1-20). The Messiah having been born, Satan moves King Herod to slaughter all the babies born in Bethlehem over a two year period in a desperate attempt to murder the Messiah (Matthew 2:13-18). When Jesus the Messiah begins His ministry, Satan immediately and directly confronts Him with multiple temptations to sin (Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-14), since a sinful Messiah would be disqualified as "the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1:29; cf. 1 Peter 1:18-19). Finally, Satan personally indwells Judas (John 13:26-27) in order to betray Jesus and move the Jewish people to demand His crucifixion (Matthew 27:22-26). Like Jesus' own disciples on the road to Emmaus, Satan mistakenly believed that the crucifixion of Jesus meant the mission of Messiah had been thwarted (Luke 24:21).

During the Church Age

The close of the New Testament canon has not meant an end to Satan's work. Indeed, throughout the Church Age, Satan has continued his work to destroy Israel and completely exterminate the Jewish race. Consider just two examples, one that began early in the Church Age and one that has occurred late:
1) the origin and ascendancy of Islam, a religion dogmatically devoted to the destruction of Israel (cf. Psalm 83), and whose consummation on earth cannot be accomplished until every last Jew has been killed;
2) Hitler's holocaust, in which one out of every three Jews on earth was killed, and which required World War II (the greatest of all wars) to stop. But why, if Jesus (the Messiah) has already come and successfully completed His work of redemption, is Satan still working incessantly to destroy Israel? Because Scripture makes clear that it is only after Jesus' return that He will destroy Satan (Revelation 20:1-10), and Jesus Himself revealed that He will not return until the nation of Israel repents of their rejection of Him and petitions His return (Matthew 23:37-39; cf. Hosea 5:15). Thus, even today, Satan believes that by exterminating the Jews he can prevent the return of Jesus (not the Rapture, but the second advent) and his own prophesied destruction.

In the Future Tribulation

Satan's final and futile attempt to exterminate the Jews (and prevent the return of Jesus) will take place during the Tribulation (i.e., Daniel's 70th Week; defined in Daniel 9:27 and detailed in Revelation 6-19). It is during this period of time that Satan will be allowed (by God) to raise up his own seed, the seed of the Serpent (Genesis 3:15), which the Apostle John calls the "antichrist" in his epistles (1 John 2:18,22; 4:3; 2 John 7) and the "beast" in Revelation (e.g., Revelation 11:7; 13:1). "And the dragon [Satan] was wroth with the woman [Israel], and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ [Jewish believers]".


What on Earth is Satan doing? The Apostle Paul testified that believers "are not ignorant of his devices" (2 Corinthians 2:11). It is clear from the inspired and inerrant historical record preserved in the Bible that Satan worked throughout the Old Testament to prevent the coming of Messiah. Once God revealed that Messiah would come from Israel, Satan's tactics centered on the destruction of the nation of Israel and the complete eradication of the Jewish race. Throughout the Church Age, even to this very day, Satan continues his work to destroy Israel and the Jews in the desperate hope of preventing the return of Messiah. The Word of God, however, is clear, and its promises are sure: all Israel will be saved (Romans 11:25-27), Jesus will return (Revelation 19:11-16), and Satan will be cast forever into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10).

Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Rapture, A Secret Jesus Couldn’t Reveal

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

I am frequently asked if the rapture is such an important event for the Church, why didn’t Jesus say anything about it? Our Q & A format doesn’t lend itself to a comprehensive answer to such a complex question, so here’s the whole story. It begins 500 years before the cross with God’s answer to a prayer from Daniel reminding Him that Israel’s 70 year Babylonian captivity was just about over and He promised He would restore the nation when it ended (Jeremiah 29:10-11).

The Interrupted Prayer

Before Daniel could finish praying, God had already sent the angel Gabriel with His response.
Seventy weeks are determined upon your people and your Holy City to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most Holy (place) (Daniel 9:24).
God decreed that six things would be accomplished for Daniel’s people (Israel) and Daniel’s Holy City (Jerusalem) during a specified period of 490 years (seventy weeks of years) that would begin with the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem (Daniel 9:25) which had lain in ruins since the Babylonian conquest nearly 70 years earlier.
We should be aware that in Hebrew these six things read a little differently than they do in most English translations.  Literally, God had determined to;
1.  restrict or restrain the transgression (also translated rebellion)
2.  seal up their sins (as if putting them away in a sealed container)
3.  make atonement (restitution) for their iniquity
4. bring them into a state of everlasting righteousness
5. seal up (same word as #2) vision and prophecy
6. anoint (consecrate) the most Holy place (sanctuary)

In plain language, God would put an end to their rebellion against Him, put away their sins and pay the penalties they had accrued, bring the people into a state of perpetual righteousness, fulfill all the remaining prophecies, and anoint the Temple.
This was to be accomplished through their Messiah (Jesus) because no one else could do it.  Had they accepted Him as their savior their rebellion against God would have ended. Their sins would have all been forgiven, and the full penalty paid for them. They would have entered into a state of eternal righteousness, all their prophecies would have been fulfilled and the rebuilt temple would have been consecrated. (It should be noted here that although it appears to have been accepted by Him, God never dwelt in the 2nd Temple, nor was the ark of the covenant and its mercy seat ever present therein.)

And It Came To Pass

483 years of the time God had set aside for them had passed. Jesus and His disciples were walking up the Mt. of Olives toward Bethany where they were staying at the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. It was just a couple of days before the crucifixion. The sun was getting low in the late afternoon sky, casting a soft amber light on the white Temple and its surrounding buildings that caused them to look like they were made of gold. It was such a beautiful sight the disciples called it to the Lord’s attention.
In reply, Jesus said, “Do you see all these things? I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” (Matt. 24:2).

It was the second time they had heard Jesus say this. The first time was a couple of days earlier on what we now call Palm Sunday when He had told the people that because they didn’t recognize the time of His coming, the city would be destroyed (Luke 19:41-44).
God was holding the nation accountable for their failure to understand the message Gabriel had given to Daniel. Daniel 9:25 revealed that the Messiah would present Himself to them as their King 483 years into that 490 year period. Sure enough, here He was, standing in their midst right on time, having fulfilled Daniel 9:25 and several other prophecies of His coming two days earlier on that first Palm Sunday.
On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus had told the disciples that after they got there He would be handed over to the Gentiles and put to death, but on the third day He would be raised to life (Matt. 20:17-19). His execution was also part of Daniel’s prophecy, where the phrase “cut off” in Daniel 9:26 means “to kill, eliminate, or destroy.”

Only He Could Do It

Make no mistake about it.  Jesus had to die so the 6 promises from Daniel 9:24 could come true.  No one else in Heaven or on Earth could accomplish this. Do you realize what that means?  It wasn’t killing the Messiah that put the Jews at odds with God.  After all, dying for them is why He came.   No.  It was that in killing Him, they refused to let His death pay for their sins so He could save them.  This had the effect of making His death meaningless to them. That’s what severed the relationship.
Because of that, we now get the first hint that all would not go well. Following the crucifixion the people of a coming ruler would destroy Jerusalem and the Temple, the same Temple that God decreed would be consecrated.  The Israelites would be scattered abroad and peace would elude the world (Daniel 9:26).

We all know that Jesus was crucified and 38 years later the Romans put the torch to the city and the Temple destroying both. Surviving Jews were forced to flee for their lives and in the ensuing 2000 years I don’t believe a single generation has escaped involvement in a war of some kind.
Jesus had fed the multitudes, walked on water, healed the sick and raised the dead and still they asked for a miraculous sign that He was their Messiah. Finally in frustration He responded, “A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matt. 12:38-40).

They would get their sign, but only after they had executed Him. Later, just a few days before His execution, He warned them again of the consequences for rejecting Him. “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit” (Matt. 21:43). He was speaking of the coming Church.
After the resurrection, having performed the miraculous sign He promised them, Jesus waited 40 days for them to acknowledge it. But upon being informed of the empty tomb the Jewish leaders bribed the soldiers to keep them quiet and refused to recognize the Lord’s fulfillment of the sign of Jonah (Matt. 28:11-15). During the following 40 days, they never sought Him out although he remained among them and made 14 appearances to over 500 people during that time. That 40 days was the time of Israel’s testing, their chance to review all the proof and admit that He is who He claimed to be, Israel’s Messiah.

He Never Said A Word About It

There’s no indication from the Biblical record that Jesus ever spoke to the disciples about the fact that the coming Church Age would interrupt Daniel’s prophecy seven years short of its fulfillment and delay its completion by about 2,000 years. In fact from Acts 1:6-8 we learn that 40 days after the resurrection they expected Him to restore the Kingdom to Israel.
Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”
He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:6-8).

Jesus told the disciples it wasn’t for them to know the timing of the kingdom’s restoration and immediately changed the subject to the coming Holy Spirit. I think the Lord was saying the offer of the kingdom was still on the table for Israel, but His focus was about to change. Obviously God knew they had rejected the kingdom at that time, but He was leaving the door open for them to accept it at some point in the future.

This is borne out by a prophecy He spoke through Hosea 750 years earlier.
“Then I will go back to my place until they admit their guilt. And they will seek my face; in their misery they will earnestly seek me” (Hosea 5:15). Please note the word “until” because it conveys the notion of “not now” rather than “not ever.” The door is still open today.
Therefore, on that late afternoon on the Mt. Of Olives all the disciples could have known for sure was that 483 years of the 490 year prophecy of Daniel had passed, there were only 7 years left and Jesus had just told them that the Temple, all of its related buildings, and indeed all of Jerusalem were going to be destroyed. It must have been quite a shock to hear this.

Twenty Years Later

After Pentecost the Church consisted mostly of Jewish believers and was centered in Jerusalem. While it grew and attracted followers from around the area, it was still perceived as an outgrowth of Judaism. Even though the Lord had departed, Israel was being given more time to come around while the Church grew in its midst.

It wasn’t until James explained things some 20 years later that the Church’s leaders understood how Israel was being set aside while the Lord took out of the Gentiles a people for Himself (Acts 15:13-18). A word study on this passage will reveal a faint hint of the rapture. The Greek word translated “take” or “taking” conveys the idea of carrying away, removing, or taking to one’s self. The people the Lord will take out of the Gentiles is the Church, carrying us away to his Father’s house, like He promised (John 14:2-3).

Following the removal of the Church, His focus will shift back to Israel. The temple will be rebuilt, the remaining week of Daniel’s prophecy will be fulfilled (Daniel 9:27) and the remnant of men will have their final opportunity to seek the Lord before His return with power and great glory.
As long as God was holding the door open for Israel, the full scope of His plan for the Church could not be fully revealed. Blessings like salvation by grace through faith alone, eternal security, and especially the rapture, never have and never will be offered to Israel.
Even under their version of the New Covenant, things will be different from the way it is for us. A temple, daily sacrifices for sin, and mandatory observance of Holy Days will still be the order of the day, although in a somewhat different form from Old Covenant requirements.
But having waited long enough for Israel, God determined to implement His plan for the Church and now Israel would wait for Him. Individual Jewish believers would receive all the blessings intended for the Church but the nation called Israel would cease to exist in a covenant relationship with God until He had taken out of the Gentiles a people for Himself. This is why Paul said Israel has been blinded in part until the full number of Gentiles has come in (Romans 11:25).

Now I Can Tell You

The way was now officially clear for the Gospel of Grace to be preached to the Gentiles in its entirety.  Paul had previously received the Gospel of Grace directly from the Lord (Galatians 1:11-12). He had already begun preaching it and planting churches but had yet to speak of the rapture.
Paul was present at the Council of Jerusalem when he learned that Israel was being set aside while the Lord built His Church.  Shortly thereafter he became the first person on Earth to present a clear teaching on the doctrine of the rapture of the Church, repeating what the Lord had told him, and saying He was revealing a secret in doing so.
Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality (1 Cor. 15:51-53).

According to the Lord’s own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever (1 Thes. 4:15-17).
It was the secret Jesus couldn’t reveal. 12-27-14

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